Southeast Europe


- US cable - 2005:



  • "the US embassy lobbied Croatia - for privatization !"





  • "US-funded advisors had helped - at a Croatian privatization fund !"






  • "the goal was the privatization - of 14 majority government-owned - firms !"





  • "the IMF - the World Bank - and the US - gave assistance !"






  • "representatives of USAID - us aid agency - World Bank !"





  • "and the IMF met - because of a privatization portfolio !"






  • "the majority state-owned enterprises - Split Steel !"





  • "TLM - Uljanik Shipyard - and agricultural companies !"




  • "it had been conditions - of the programs - of the IMF - and the World Bank !"











Deal on new Macedonia Government
- Financial Times: LINK ¤ FINANCIAL TIMES



  • "Macedonia’s political leaders - have reached agreement - on an interim government !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "and an independent investigation - into allegations of illegal wiretapping !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "electoral fraud - and corruption !"






  • "of the conservative VMRO Party - of Nikola Gruevski !"







  • "the deal brought to an end a political dispute - which has been gripped by mass demonstrations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "it began when Zoran Zaev - from the SDSM Party - Social Democratic Union !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "began releasing - thousands of secret recordings - of phone calls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "the tapes suggested officials - to be involved in electoral fraud - corruption !"






  • "conflict of interest - blackmail - and extortion !"







  • "the political parties agreed - to prepare for elections !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "Nikola Gruevski - from the VMRO Party - resigned !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "an interim leader - prepares for the elections !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "SDSM MPs in parliament - nominate key ministers - to take up positions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "a special prosecutor - is appointed to investigate - the wiretap recordings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"












Serbia State TV apologises
- the Guardian:



  • "Serbia's state-run television - has apologised to viewers - throughout the former Yugoslavia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "for reporting of - Slobodan Milosevic - in the 1990s !"







  • "Radio Television of Serbia - or RTS - said in a statement - that the station's programmes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "were heavily abused - by Milosevic's group !"







  • "directed to his political - and ethnic opponents ! - ( Serbs were portrayed - as the victims ! )"






  • "the broadcaster apologises to the citizens - of Serbia - and those of neighbouring countries !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "2000 - thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators - stormed its headquarters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "during an uprising - that toppled Milosevic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "and paved the way for his extradition - to a UN war crimes tribunal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "the TV conceded that RTS - hurted the feelings - moral integrity - and dignity of the Serbian citizens !"






  • "it will in future - promote the rule of law - social justice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "civic democracy - human and minority rights - and freedoms !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"














US Investment - US cable - 2010: LINK ¤ 10PRISTINA40



  • "the US overseas private investment corporation - OPIC - had been involved in Kosovo !"





  • "provided financing - political - and other investment vehicles !"






  • "OPIC signed an investment agreement - with Kosovo !"





  • "US investors were involved with projects - in the energy - and real estate sectors !"











Bank of Cyprus Depositors can lose 60% of their Savings
- the Guardian



  • "Cypriot finance officials say - initial losses !!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "of the Bank of Cyprus depositors - are 37.5% !!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "but up to 22.5% more - can be taken - if bank needs further capitalisation !!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "deposits over100,000 - lose 37.5% of their value - after being converted into bank shares !!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "if the bank were to need further capitalisation - the savers can lose as much as 22.5% more !!!!!!!!!!!!"











Cyprus Bailout Deal - the Guardian: LINK ¤ the GUARDIAN



  • "Cyprus closes down - the island's second-largest bank !!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "and inflicts huge losses - on wealthy savers !!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "those with deposits - of less than100,000 - are spared !!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "but Russians in Cypriot banks - lose billions of euros !!!!!!!!!!!!"











Capital Controls - the Guardian: LINK ¤ the GUARDIAN



  • "capital controls - are imposed in Cyprus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "to limit foreign transactions - and capital outflows !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "but not movements of money - within the country itself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"












Christofias - US cable - 2008: LINK ¤ 08ATHENS367



  • "Cypriot President Christofias emphasized - his interest in rejuvenating !!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "UN-led efforts - to achieve a settlement !!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "in public - he spoke against the - Annan Plan !"






  • "but in private - he told that he wishes - to move quickly !!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "building on the - July 8 Agreement !!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "but did not exclude working - from "elements" - of the Annan Plan !!!!!!!!!!!!"










- US cable - 2009: LINK ¤ 09NICOSIA179



  • "the US embassy wrote - the Mediterranean island some 5000 miles - from the east coast of the US !"





  • "Cyprus was too small - too distant !"






  • "and lacked in natural resources - not affected interests !"






  • "the US embassy was unaware - of any direct physical linkages !"





  • "such as pipelines - or undersea telephone cables - between Cyprus - and the US !"






  • "there were no Cyprus-sourced minerals - or chemicals !"





  • "on which US economy - was dependent !"










Zypern stimmt für höhere Unternehmenssteuern - der Standard: LINK ¤ der STANDARD



  • "das Parlament in Zypern beschloss - eine Anhebung der Unternehmenssteuer von zehn - auf 12,5 Prozent !!!!!!!!!!!!"




  • "außerdem wurde die von 15 - auf 30 Prozent verdoppelte Abgabe auf Zinserträge !!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "und die von 0,11 - auf 0,15 Prozent erhöhte Abgabe - für Transaktionen bestätigt !!!!!!!!!!!!"








Beitrag zur Stabilisierung des Finanzsektors
- der Standard: LINK ¤ der STANDARD



  • "in Zypern tragen wohlhabendere Bankkunden - einen deutlich größeren Beitrag !!!!!!!!!!!!"




  • "zur Stabilisierung des Finanzsektors - bei !!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "Kunden mit Spareinlagen - von mehr als 100.000 Euro !!!!!!!!!!!!"




  • "haben einen Verlust - von rund 60 Prozent !!!!!!!!!!!!"








Banken auf Zypern - der Standard: LINK ¤ der STANDARD



  • "Russen und Briten - sollen bei zypriotischen Banken !"




  • "die Mittelmeerinsel war zweitgrößter Auslandsinvestor - in Russland !"








Banken auf Zypern - Lukas Sustala: LINK ¤ der STANDARD



  • "das Finanzsystem - muss kleiner werden !!!!!!!!!!!!"




  • "das Sieben- bis Achtfache der Wirtschaftsleistung - der zypriotischen Volkswirtschaft !"





  • "es braucht höhere Steuern - und bessere Regulierungen !!!!!!!!!!!!"










Annan Plan for Cyprus - Wikipedia EN: LINK ¤ ANNAN PLAN



  • "the 5th revision of the - Annan Plan - stands for !!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "the creation of the - United Cyprus Republic !!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "covering the island of Cyprus - in its entirety !!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "this new country is to be a federation - of two constituent states !!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "the Greek Cypriot state - and the Turkish Cypriot state !!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "joined together by a - federal government apparatus !!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "a federal constitution - and constitutions for each constituent state !!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "a string of constitutional and federal laws - a United Cyprus Republic flag - and a national anthem !!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "it also provides for a Reconciliation Commission - to bring the two communities closer together !!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "and resolve outstanding disputes - from the past !!!!!!!!!!!!"





















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