WikiLeaks published CIA Documents - the Guardian: LINK ¤ the GUARDIAN



  • "WikiLeaks published - biggest ever leak - of secret CIA documents !"






  • "the 8,761 documents - focused mainly on techniques - of surveillance !"







  • "the CIA was facing fresh embarrassment - after the leak of confidential documents !"







  • "detailed tools it had used - broke into phones !"






  • "communication apps - and other electronic devices !"







  • "the documents revealed how the CIA - cooperated with GCHQ - engineered a way !"






  • "of smart televisions - into an improvised surveillance devices !"







  • "the leak - named "Vault 7" - once again raises many questions - about the methods !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"








  • "the documents appeared to be - from the CIA’s - "center for cyber intelligence"  !"






  • "and showed in detail - how the agency’s digital specialists - worked !"







  • "CIA hackers - had targeted smartphones - and computers !"







  • "a programme called "weeping angel" - had described how to attack a TV set !"






  • "so that it appeared to be off - but could still be used for - monitoring !"







  • "in a "fake off" mode - the TV operated as a bug - recorded conversations in the room !"






  • "and sent them over the Internet - to a covert CIA server !"







  • "the Snowden revelations created tension - between the intelligence agencies !"






  • "and IT companies - where many were upset about the cooperation !"







  • "but the agencies - were privately working on ways - to hack into their products !"






  • "the CIA revelations - risk renewing the friction - with the private sector !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"








  • "the leaks also revealed that CIA hackers - operated out of the Frankfurt consulate !"






  • "were given diplomatic - "black" - passports and state department cover !"







  • "the documents included instructions - for incoming CIA hackers - that made Germany’s efforts appear inconsequential !"







  • "and the leaks revealed - a number of the CIA’s electronic methods - were designed for physical proximity !"






  • "these attack methods - penetrated high-security networks - that were disconnected from the Internet ! - ( such as police - record databases ! )"







  • "the person was provided with a USB stick - contained CIA malware - developed for this purpose !"






  • "which was inserted into the targeted computer - and then extracted data !"











CIA Targets - the Guardian: LINK ¤ the GUARDIAN



  • "everyday devices - smartphones - PCs - and TVs !"






  • "the trove of information on - CIA hacking tools - the CIA targets !"







  • "raised many questions - for users - and technology companies - alike !"







  • "everyday consumer devices included - smartphones running iOS - and Android operating systems !"






  • "Windows - and Mac computers - and even smart TVs - made by manufacturers such as Samsung !







  • "the vulnerabilities - described in the published documents - came in many shapes and sizes !"






  • "the release showed that the CIA wanted - the technical capability - hacked devices !"










CIA Tools - WikiLeaks: LINK ¤ WIKILEAKS



  • "the scope and direction - of the CIA's covert hacking programs !"






  • "had for example been dozens of - "zero day" - exploits !"







  • "Apple's iPhone - Google's Android - and Microsoft's Windows !"






  • "and even Samsung TVs - which was turned into covert microphones !"







  • "the CIA's hacking division - had 5000 registered users !"






  • "and had produced a thousand hacking systems - trojans - and malware !"







  • "the CIA had created - its "own NSA"  !"







  • "in a statement the source - who makes this leak possible - shares concerns !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "details policy questions - and an urgently need - to be debated in public !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "including whether the - CIA's hacking capabilities - exceeded its mandated powers ?!"






  • "there is the need for - public oversight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "the source wishes - to initiate - a public debate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "about the security - creation - use - proliferation - and democratic control - of cyber-"tools"  !"








  • "iPhone - Android - and smart TVs !"






  • "a specialized unit in the CIA's - "mobile development branch" - produced malware !"







  • "infested - and exfiltrated data from - iPhones !"






  • "and Apple products running iOS - such as iPads !"







  • "a similar unit targeted - Google's "Android" - of smart phones !"







  • "the CIA had 24 - Android "zero days"  !"






  • "which it had developed itself - or obtained from NSA - GCHQ - or cyber contractors !"








  • "Windows - OSx - Linux - and routers !"






  • "the CIA had run efforts - infected and controlled - Microsoft Windows users - with its malware !"







  • "this included local and remote - "zero days" - or air gap jumping viruses such as - "Hammer Drill"  !"







  • "the CIA had developed multi-platform malware - attacked and controlled systems !"






  • "covered Windows - Mac OS X - Solaris - and Linux !"








  • "zero days !"






  • "the CIA had been searching for - vulnerabilities - exploits - bugs - or "zero days"  !"







  • "in the wake of the Snowden's leaks - the technology companies secured - a commitment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "from the US administration - that the executive - would disclose on an ongoing basis !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "serious vulnerabilities - not disclosed to the manufacturers - would place !"






  • "critical infrastructure - at risk ! - ( if the CIA could discover vulnerabilities - so could others ! )"







  • "the US government stated - that it would disclose all pervasive vulnerabilities - discovered after 2010 on an ongoing basis !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "these documents showed - that the CIA breached - these commitments !"







  • "the same vulnerabilities existed - for the US Cabinet - Congress !"






  • "CEOs - system administrators - security officers - and engineers !"







  • "these security flaws - must not be hided - from manufacturers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "( or wished the CIA everyone - "hackable"  ?! )"







  • "the CIA usually required - that its implants communicated - with their programs - over the Internet !"






  • "if CIA implants - and software were classified - then CIA officers could be prosecuted !"







  • "or dismissed - for violating rules - that prohibit placing classified information - onto the Internet !"






  • "consequently the CIA - had secretly made many of its cyber spying code - unclassified !"







  • "no one had copyright - due to restrictions in the constitution !"






  • "this meant that cyber manufactures - and computer hackers - could freely "pirate" them !"








  • "fine dining !"






  • "this was a standardized questionnaire - a menu that CIA case officers - filled out !"







  • "the questionnaire allowed the OSB - operational support branch - identified !"






  • "how to adapt existing tools for the operation - and communicate this to CIA configuration staff !"







  • "among the list of possible targets - of the collection could be !"






  • ""asset" - "liason asset"  !"







  • ""system administrator" - "foreign information operations"  !"






  • ""foreign intelligence agencies" - and "foreign government entities"  !"







  • "notably absent was any reference to - "extremists" - or "transnational criminals"  !"















CIA - Wikipedia EN: LINK ¤ CIA



CIA-Werkzeuge - der Standard:



  • "die CIA hatte eine große Zahl an - Cyber-Werkzeugen - und Spionagesoftware entwickelt !"




  • "Wikileaks hat Dokumente - unter dem Titel "Vault 7" - enthüllt !"





  • "offenbar arbeitete die CIA - an Ausspähmethoden über elektronische Geräte !"




  • "beispielsweise ein Fernseher - um das Ziel via Mikrofon und Webcam - zu überwachen !"





  • "Windows - iPhones - und Android-Geräte !"





  • "der CIA-Werkzeugkasten hatte eine Vielzahl - noch nicht aufgedeckter Lücken - umfasst !"




  • "sogenannte "Zero Day" Exploits - Trojaner - und Malware !"





  • "in dem Konvolut fanden sich auch Programme - mit denen Server- und Desktopbetriebssysteme !"




  • "sowie Router - gehackt werden sollten !"





  • "ein Ordner trug den vielsagenden Namen - "NSA Tools"  !"





  • "die Dokumente enthüllten außerdem - dass CIA-Hacker im US-Konsulat in Frankfurt - aktiv waren !"




  • "die Quelle gibt als Grund - für die Informationsweitergabe an !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "eine Debatte über Datenschutz - und Cybersicherheit - zu entfachen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"








CIA-Werkzeuge - der Standard: LINK ¤ der STANDARD



  • "iPhones - Android - und TV !"




  • "ein spannender Bereich im Datenmaterial betraf - Apples Betriebssystem für iPhones - und iPads - iOS !"





  • "die CIA hatte Exploits - aus Drittquellen zugekauft !"





  • "dieses war lange vermutet worden - der Leak hat nun die Bestätigung geboten !"




  • "Sicherheitsexperten üben seit Jahren - schwere Kritik an solchen Methoden !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "( da Dritte dieselbe Lücke - entdecken - und ausnutzen könnten ! )"





  • "so fand sich etwa einer für Apples Betriebssystem - iOS 9.2 - in der Liste !"




  • "der offenbar nur wenige Tage nach der Veröffentlichung - dieser Betriebssystemversion aufgenommen worden war !"





  • "auch bei Android - waren eine Fülle von Werkzeugen - aufgelistet !"




  • "die Dokumente boten einen tiefen Einblick - in Ziele - und Methoden - der CIA !"









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