Financial Report

- Report on the Causes - of the Financial Crisis in the US -




  • "this report - described the events - and the system !"






  • "that propelled - the financial markets - toward crisis !"







  • "collapsing - mortgage-lending standards - and the mortgage - securitization !"






  • "pipeline - when mortgage borrowers - defaulted !"







  • "the financial markets - were in crisis !"







  • "over-the-counter - derivatives ! - ( enactment of legislation - in 2000 ! )"






  • "was a key turning point - in the march toward - the financial crisis !"







  • "the failures - of credit rating agencies - were important cogs !"






  • "in the wheel - of financial destruction !"







  • "from 2000 - to 2007 - Moody’s rated - 45,000 !"






  • "mortgage-related - securities - as triple-A !"







  • "the financial system - now is in - some respects !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "better regulated - but much more - need to be done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - ( also to prevent - that !!!!!!!!!!!! )"








  • "when the FED - cut interest rates - early in the century - and mortgage !"






  • "rates fell - there were mortgage-lending instruments - and the financing !"







  • "techniques - that turned mortgages - into investments - called securities !"







  • "bond salesmen - earned bonuses - packaging - and selling - new kinds !"






  • "of loans - offered by new kinds - of lenders - into new kinds !"







  • "of complex - investment products - with hidden risks !"







  • "when subprime - and other risky mortgages - began to default !"






  • "the market - for complex investment - securities !"







  • "abruptly failed - and investors panicked !"





  • "and the danger inherent - in the whole financial system - became manifest !"







  • "then - financial markets - teetered on the edge !"






  • "and some financial institutions - because of their risky - new activities !"







  • "were left bankrupt - or dependent - on the taxpayers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"










  • "Paul Volcker - said "it must not be - a kind of a - free ride" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "investment bank - bundled loans - from a bank - or other lender !"







  • "into securities - and sold them - to investors !"






  • "by moving loans - off their books - the banks reduced - the amount of capital !"







  • "they were required - to hold as protection - against losses !"







  • "this complexity - transformed the credit rating agencies - into key players !"






  • "positioned between the - issuers - and the investors - of securities !"







  • "fees - desired ratings - derivatives were - financial contracts !"






  • "whose prices - are determined by - or "derived" - from the !"






  • "value - of some underlying - asset - rate - index - or event !"






  • "speculating on changes - in prices - interest rates - and the like !"








  • "the derivatives markets - were organized as - exchanges !"






  • "or as - over-the-counter - markets - OTC !"







  • "the OTC market - was neither centralized - nor regulated !"







  • "Warren Buffett - said "he did not think - he could manage"  !"





  • "a complex - derivatives book ! - ( leverage in the system ! )"







  • "derivatives - were difficult - for market participants !"






  • "regulators - auditors - and investors - to understand !"







  • "derivatives - need to be - better regulated !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"








  • "synthetic CDOs - were complex - paper transactions !"






  • "involving - credit default swaps - synthetic CDOs contained - no actual !"







  • "tranches - of mortgage-backed securities - or even tranches - of other CDOs !"






  • "instead - they simply referenced - these mortgage securities !"







  • "and thus were - bets - on whether - borrowers - would pay - their mortgages ?!"







  • "synthetic CDOs - would not have worked - without rating agencies !"






  • "to estimate - the probability - of default !"







  • "Moody’s - relied almost exclusively - on its own ratings !"






  • "at no time - did the agency - "look through" - the securities !"







  • "to the underlying - subprime mortgages - Gary Witt !"






  • "Moody’s team managing director - said "the underlying - collateral"  !"







  • "just completely - disintegrated - below them !"







  • "he did not react - and they should have !"






  • "he had to be looking - for a problem - and they were not looking !"







  • "in plainer English - Moody’s did not have - a good model !"






  • "so they - made them - up !"








  • "the manager - Lloyd Blankfein - from Goldman Sachs - said !"






  • "he was going to bed - every night - with more risk !"







  • "with more risk - than any manager - should want - to have !"







  • "we need a safer - financial business !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "and a safer - financial system - as a whole !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"




















US Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission: LINK ¤ US FINANCIAL CRISIS COMMISSION



US Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission - Wikipedia EN: LINK ¤ FCIC


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