- "documents from the GCHQ - described emails !"
- "to - and from - journalists - from the Guardian - Le Monde !"
- "and from - BBC - Reuters - New York Times - and Washington Post !"
- "the documents described - stored communications ! - ( to cleared staff - on their intranet ! )"
- "which were sometimes simple - mass-PR emails - sent to dozens of journalists !"
- "but also included - correspondence !"
- "between reporters - and editors - discussing stories !"
- "the documents described - an information security assessment !"
- "listed - investigative journalists - beside hackers !"
- "an internal security advice - was preoccupied with the activities - of journalists !"
- "one document described - a potential threat - to security !"
- "journalists - and reporters - represented all types - of news media !"
- "the documents described - a security assessment - matrix !"
- "listed journalists - near hackers !"
- "journalists - "capability" score - of two - out of five !"
- "and a "priority" - of three - out of five !"
Cyber - Spiegel online: LINK ¤ SPIEGEL ONLINE_________________________________________
- "documents from the NSA - described the Internet !"
- "computer networks - and potentially the infrastructure - they controlled !"
- "( energy - communications - and transportation ! )"
- "the documents described - "Phase 0" - implants in a system !"
- ""Phase 3" - would control - a system - or network !"
- "an internal document described - the goal - "real time control" !"
- "the documents described - "plausible deniability" !"
- "the author of a - cyber offensive - should not be traced !"
- "the documents described - department S31177 - codenamed "Transgression" !"
- "observed - and analyzed - a foreign cyber offensive !"
- "the documents described - took their tools - tradecraft !"
- "siphoned off insights - discoverd - understood - and evaluated !"
- "the documents described - "fourth party collection" !"
- "let a foreign - intelligence service - do the work !"
- "the documents described - "reverse engineer - repurpose software" !"
- "tried to transform a defense - into a cyber offensive !"
- "botnets - potentially millions of computers - of normal users !"
- "( software - had been installed ! )"
- "the documents described - a program - "pervasive network analysis vantage points" !"
- "and "throw-away non-attributable - CNA - computer network nodes" !"
- "network operations - on people's computers !"
- "that might be traced back - to an innocent person !"
- "in technical terms - the ROC layed - a false track !"
- "the documents described - from third-party computers - exported the data !"
- "but most was not delivered directly - to ROC's - IP address !"
- "rather - it had been routed to a so-called - "scapegoat target" !"
- "where that information - could end up - on someone else's - server !"
- "it looked as if - they were not concerned - about being caught !"
- "( because they would not leave behind - evidence ! )"
- "Edward Snowden says - for them defense - had a too low priority !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "instead - we must provide - protection !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "to private - Internet users !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "we need to create - new international standards - of behavior !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
MEDIA - Wikipedia EN: LINK ¤ MEDIA
Medien - Spiegel online: LINK ¤ SPIEGEL ONLINE
- "Dokumente vom GCHQ - beschrieben Medien !"
- "E-Mails - von und an - the Guardian - Le Monde !"
- "BBC - Reuters - Washington Post - und New York Times !"
- "die Dokumente beschrieben - Nachrichten - in einem Intranet gespeichert !"
- "PR-E-Mails - die an Dutzende Journalisten gleichzeitig - verschickt wurden !"
- "aber auch Korrespondenzen - in denen sich Reporter !"
- "und Redakteure - über Geschichten austauschten !"
- "die Dokumente beschrieben - eine Liste mit - potenzieller Bedrohung !"
- "der Begriff - "Journalist" - neben "Hacker" !"
- "bei Sicherheit - besonders - "investigative Journalisten" !"
Cyber - Spiegel online: LINK ¤ SPIEGEL ONLINE
- "Dokumente der NSA - beschrieben Computernetzwerke !"
- "und möglicherweise die Infrastruktur - die damit zusammenhängt !"
- "( Energie - Kommunikation - Transport ! )"
- "die Dokumente beschrieben - eine Cyber-Strategie !"
- ""Phase 0" - verborgenes Implantat - in einem System !"
- ""Phase 3" - würde ein System - kontrollieren !"
- "die Dokumente beschrieben - "plausible deniability" !"
- "ein möglicher - Cyber-Angriff - hätte nicht nachweisbar sein sollen !"
- "die Dokumente beschrieben - eine Abteilung "transgression" - übersetzt "Überschreitung" !"
- "Aufspüren - und Analysieren - eines fremden Cyber-Angriffes !"
- "die Dokumente beschrieben - nahm deren Werkzeuge - und Ergebnisse !"
- "Abschöpfen - der Erkenntnisse !"
- "die Dokumente beschrieben - "fourth party collection" !"
- "Verwandlung einer Verteidigung - in einen Cyber-Angriff - umnutzen und nachbauen !"
- "die Dokumente beschrieben - Botnetze - fiktiv Millionen Rechnern !"
- "von Privatpersonen - auf denen eine Software - installiert worden war !"
- "die Dokumente beschrieben - "Quantumbot" - ein Schutzschild !"
- "Daten auf einem fremden Rechner - der Rücktransport war nicht direkt !"
- "an die Internetadresse - des ROC - geleitet worden !"
- "sondern an einen sogenannten - "Sündenbock-Empfänger" - "scapegoat" !"
- "die Dokumente beschrieben - das Legen einer falschen Spur - "ahnungsloses Datenmaultier" !"
- "es sah danach aus - als wenn diese dabei - keine Skrupel hätten !"
- "( auch weil diese keine Spuren - hinterließen ! )"
- "Edward Snowden sagt - die Verteidigung hatte für diese - eine zu geringe Priorität !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "stattdessen brauchen wir - einen Schutz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "für den persönlichen - Internet Benutzer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "wir müssen einen - neuen internationalen Verhaltenskodex - schaffen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"