NSA Sites

NSAers visited Schöningen - NSA - PDF: LINK ¤ N S A



  • "the documents described - NSA persons - visited Schöningen !"






  • "representatives from the - special liaison activity Germany - SUSLAG !"







  • "and joint SIGINT activity - JSA - visited Schöningen !"






  • "a BND - Fornsat collection site - located in northern Germany !"







  • "the documents described - BND's SIGDEV capabilities !"






  • "BND's collection - processing - and analytic capabilities !"







  • "Schöningen had collected - mobile communication systems !"






  • "specifically - Thuraya - INMARSAT - and GSM !"







  • "site analysts and linguists - transcribed voice cuts !"






  • "and forwarded raw cuts - on to their HQS - for further evaluation and reporting !"







  • "site engineers had developed several systems - of call-chaining capabilities !"





  • "data-viewing - of voice and fax data - and data-forwarding to BND HQS !"








  • "the documents described BND - analytic tool suites - such as Mira4 !"






  • "which integrated multiple - database analytic functions - such as viewing voice - and listening to fax !"







  • "analysts could move from Veras - call-chaining software - to the associated voice cuts !"







  • "BND Schöningen developers - showed a software prototype !"






  • "that used - social network analysis algorithms !"







  • "discovered - groups !"







  • "the goal was - monitored these groups - in the background - within analyst-set parameters !"






  • "with alerts - to notify the analyst - when any anomalous measurement appeared !"






  • "the NSA requested - a copy of - Mira4 - and Veras software !"











European Security Operations Center - NSA - PDF: LINK ¤ N S A



  • "the documents described the - ESOC concept !"






  • "of the European security operations center - ESOC ! - ( transformed from the European security center - ESC ! )"







  • "with capabilities - and responsibilities - within the SIGINT enterprise !"







  • "missions supported - national - theater - and regional intelligence !"






  • "the goal was national - European - and tactical integration !"







  • "the documents described - NSA civilians !"





  • "and multi-service service cryptologic element - military personnel !"











European Cryptologic Center - NSA - PDF: LINK ¤ N S A



  • "the documents described the - European cryptologic center - ECC !"






  • "there had been an - analysis and production mission - with 26 missions !"







  • "ECC products - were included in the president's daily brief - PDB - twice a week !"







  • "the documents described - 240 personnel - a mix of military service members !"





  • "department of the army civilians - NSA civilians - and contractors !"











European Technical Center - NSA - PDF: LINK ¤ N S A



  • "the documents described that during survey activities - of the area for installation !"






  • "of a underground fiber optic line - metallic anomalies were discovered !"







  • "the distance from the closest anomaly - to ETC buildings !"






  • "was outside the restricted zone - as required by German law !"







  • "however because of safety concerns - the entire base was closed - to all personnel !"





  • "except of two ETC staff members - from the network communication center !"











European Technical Center - NSA - PDF: LINK ¤ N S A



  • "the documents described the NSA - in Wiesbaden - Germany !"






  • "the ETC - had been a communications hub ! - ( "in that part - of the world"  ! )"







  • "connectivity - SIGINT collection - and data-flow services !"







  • "the operations tempo - had resulted in - incorrect rack configurations !"






  • "poor airflow - insufficient rack size - installation shortcuts !"







  • "substandard safety - and security measures - inconsistent cable management - and lackluster documentation !"






  • "in one year - 150 power supplies - had failed !"







  • "the documents described an agreement - between NSA's I&L - and technology directorate !"






  • "which included new uninterrupted power supply - UPS distribution system !"






  • "grounding system - computer room air-conditioner units - and condensation piping !"



















NSA in Bad Aibling
- Spiegel online:



  • "die großen weißen Radoms - wurden offiziell vom BND - benutzt !"





  • "die Dokumente beschrieben eine - JSA-Zusammenarbeit - joint SIGINT activity !"






  • "Signale waren an die Mangfall-Kaserne - und dem ETC in Wiesbaden weitergeleitet worden !"






  • "in einem internen Dokument - beschrieb ein NSA Mitarbeiter - launig über dessen Erinnerungen !"





  • "dass dort Stationierte - viele unfreiwillige Besuche bei Sehenswürdigkeiten - machen müssten !"






  • "dass dieser in Restaurants hauptsächlich Bier getrunken hatte - dem ungewöhnlichen Fahren auf der Autobahn !"





  • "dass dieser auf der Windschutzscheibe - ständig eine österreichische Autobahn-Vignette - hatte !"






  • "dass dieser eine Landkarte - mit jeder ESSO Tankstelle - in Deutschland hatte !"




  • "und davon dass sich in Restaurants - deutsche Hunde besser benommen haben - als mancher US Gast !"










NSA in Wiesbaden - Spiegel online: LINK ¤ SPIEGEL ONLINE



  • "die Dokumente beschrieben - einen Knotenpunkt - in Wiesbaden !"





  • "der sogenannte - European technical center - ETC !"






  • "dabei hatte es sich um einen Knotenpunkt - für die Kommunikation gehandelt !"




  • "ein internes Dokument schrieb - "in diesem Teil der Welt"  !"










NSA in Frankfurt am Main - Spiegel online: LINK ¤ SPIEGEL ONLINE



  • "im Generalkonsulat in Frankfurt am Main - war der special collection service - SCS !"





  • "deren Mitarbeiter waren dabei - als Diplomaten akkreditiert !"






  • "die Dokumente beschrieben - 80 Standorte - vom SCS !"










NSA in Berlin - Spiegel online: LINK ¤ SPIEGEL ONLINE



  • "in der oberen Etage der Botschaft - verbarg sich hinter fensterartigen Einbuchtungen !"





  • "modernes Equipment - über Mobiltelefonie !"






  • "W-Lan-Netze - und Satellitenkommunikation !"




  • "dieses könnte auch auf die - Handykommunikation - im Regierungsviertel - gerichtet sein !"











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