NSA Germany
NSA Relationship with Germany - NSA - PDF: LINK ¤ N S A
- "the documents of the NSA - described a relationship with the BND !"
- "there had been a relationship - with the BND-TA - SIGINT - in 1962 !"
- "which included analytical - operational - and technical exchanges !"
- "the documents described - that the BND displayed both eagerness - and self-sufficiency !"
- "in transforming its SIGINT activities - and assumed greater risk !"
- "the documents described - BND president Schindler's - eagerness !"
- "that he wanted to strengthen - and expand bilateral cooperation !"
- "and that he was exploring new - analytic topics !"
- "the BND would support - the intelligence relationship - with the NSA !"
- "would take steps to strengthen - its SIGINT development - SIGDEV - capabilities !"
- "and would perform a key technical advisory - and support role - within Germany !"
- "the documents described - that the BND had lobbied - the German government !"
- "relaxed interpretation - of the privacy laws !"
- "that would provide more - intelligence sharing !"
- "( the BND wished more flexibility - in sharing protected information - with foreign partners ! )"
- "the German government had modified - its interpretation - of the G-10 Privacy Law !"
- "which protects the communications - of German citizens !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "the documents described meetings - between BND - BfV - NSA - and CIA "
- "there had been several technical meetings - about the BfV's ability !"
- "exploited - filtered - and processed - domestic data accesses !"
- "the documents described - hardware and software !"
- "of the NSA - at BND expense !"
- "and described other areas - of cooperation with the BND - at an appropriate level of investment !"
- "the NSA welcomed BND willingness - took risks - and pursued new opportunities !"
- "the documents described - AFSC - member countries !"
- "there had been a new AFSC - division of effort !"
- "covered - shared - and reported - and metadata - on a specific area !"
- "US - UK - Canada - Australia - New Zealand - Belgium - Denmark !"
- "France - Germany - Italy - Norway - the Netherlands - Spain - and Sweden !"
NSA's Relationship with the BND - NSA - PDF: LINK ¤ N S A
- "the documents described a meeting - with the German federal intelligence service - BND !"
- "the NSA had responsed - that it would had some success - worked Skype !"
- "via tailored access - at the end point !"
- "gained access to one or more - of the computers - involved in the session !"
- "Klaus-Fritsche - state secretary Germany ministry of interior !"
- "had sought assistance - intercepted Skype - transmissions !"
- "Dirnsa - suggested the DNI representative Berlin - should take the lead in arranging - an exchange !"
NSA's Relationship with the BND - NSA - PDF: LINK ¤ N S A
- "the documents described - director's talking points - in a meeting with the BND !"
- "the BND should understand - that the NSA wanted !"
- "a robust CT sharing relationship - with the BND - and the BfV !"
- "as well as to move forward - in the analytic - and technical exchanges !"
- "the topic of - behavior detection techniques !"
- "had been discussed between the NSA - the BND - and the BfV !"
- "( CT wanted these - analytic tradecraft methodologies ! )"
- "this session was focused on - understanding - and implementing !"
- "capabilities through - "Xkeyscore" !"
Kooperation der NSA mit dem BND - Spiegel online: LINK ¤ SPIEGEL ONLINE
- "Dokumente beschrieben eine Kooperation - der NSA !"
- "mit dem BND - dem Bundesnachrichtendienst !"
- "in mehreren Einrichtungen - wurden Daten zusammengetragen - und ausgewertet !"
- "Sigad-Listen - bezeichneten Stellen - an der technische Aufklärung betrieben werden konnte !"
- "die Ergebnisse wurden dann auch - unter dieser Sigad - an NSA-Datenbanken weitergeleitet !"
- "eine Liste mit historischen Sigads zeigte - dass es insgesamt 150 solcher Punkte - in Deutschland gegeben hatte !"
- "für ein Dutzend - war kein Schließungsdatum genannt worden !"
- "interne Berichte beschrieben sogar - eine Kooperation der NSA !"
- "mit dem Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik - BSI !"
- "es war nicht nur um abgefangene Informationen - gegangen !"
- "die NSA hatte auch Lehrgänge veranstaltet - und man zeigte sich gegenseitig Software !"
- "so hatte der BND das Programm - "XKeyscore" - bekommen !"
- "die NSA durfte - Mira4 - und Veras - ausprobieren !"
- "der Datensatz beschrieb auch - wie wohlwollend die NSA !"
- "das Lobbying des BND - um eine verstärkte Kooperation - zur Kenntnis nahm !"
- "die deutsche Regierung - hatte ihre Interpretation - des G-10-Gesetzes - angepasst !"
- "der BND konnte - einfacher Daten mit Partnerdiensten - tauschen !"