US Data
Companies - Bloomberg: LINK ¤ BLOOMBERG
- "documents from the NSA - described companies !"
- "thousand technology - finance - and manufacturing companies !"
- "the documents described - data swaps !"
- "makers of hardware - and software - banks !"
- "Internet security providers - satellite telecommunications companies !"
- "the documents described - agreements !"
- "with the NSA - the CIA - and the FBI !"
- "data that might had seem innocuous - for the companies !"
- "in return they sometimes received - classified intelligence !"
- "the documents described - information about bugs !"
- "in the software - of Microsoft Corp ! - ( before it publicly released - a fix ! )"
- "Microsoft - software or Internet security companies - had been aware !"
- "some telecommunications companies - willingly had provided - access to facilities !"
- "and data offshore - that would had required a judge’s order !"
- "little of it - was scrutinized by more - than a small number !"
- "of lawyers - company leaders - and them !"
- "many company executives - did not ask - and hoped they would get - something back !"
- "it was often brokered - directly between chief executive officers !"
- "a key executive at a company - and a small number - of technical people !"
- "sometimes there were multiple units - within !"
- "if necessary - a company executive - known as a - "committing officer" !"
- "was given documents - that guaranteed immunity - from civil actions !"
- "the documents described - Intel’s McAfee unit !"
- "Internet security software - with a view of Internet traffic !"
- "it would had started - with an approach to - McAfee’s chief executive !"
- "who then would have cleared - specific individuals !"
- "provided data - an employee said !"
- "the public would be surprised - at how much help was seeked !"
US Data - the Guardian: LINK ¤ the GUARDIAN
- "documents from the NSA - described secret rules !"
- "US data - without a warrant !"
- "the top secret documents - submitted to the Fisa court - described !"
- "the judges had signed off - on broad orders !"
- "information - "inadvertently" - collected !"
- "from communications - in the USA !"
- "without a - warrant !"
- "kept data - that potentially contained details - of US persons - for up to five years !"
- "retained and made use - of "inadvertently acquired" - US communications ! - ( if they contained - "usable intelligence" ! )"
- "accessed the content - of communications gathered from - "machines - based in the USA" !"
- "or phone numbers - located in the USA !"
Skype - the Guardian: LINK ¤ the GUARDIAN
- "documents from the NSA - described Skype !"
- "a secret programme - of the web-based communications company !"
- "the documents described - a programme called - "Project Chess" !"
- "customers' information - of Skype !"
- "before Skype - was bought by Microsoft !"
- "Skype's communications - should had been more - readily available !"
- "only a handful of executives - were aware of the plan !"
Apple co-Founder Steve Wozniak - the Guardian: LINK ¤ the GUARDIAN
- "Steve Wozniak - the co-founder of Apple !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "said in retrospect - he was naive !"
- "he did not see that - at that time - as possibility !"
- "they create the computers - to free the people up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "give them instant communication - anywhere in the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "any thought you have - you can share freely !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "that it is going to overcome - a lot of restrictions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "but they did not realise - that in the digital world - there also were ways !"
- "that tried to use - the digital technology - in a certain way !"
- "technical things - were possible - that were not before !"
- "we need better - controls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "there needs to be rules - for what can be done - and what not !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
______________________________________________________________________________ - Wikipedia EN: LINK ¤ DATA
Firmen - der Standard: LINK ¤ der STANDARD
- "Dokumente der NSA - beschrieben Firmen !"
- "tausend Unternehmen - wie Hersteller von Software und Geräten - Banken !"
- "Anbieter von Satelliten-Kommunikation - und Spezialisten für Internet-Sicherheit !"
- "die Dokumente beschrieben - Kooperationen !"
- "eher einseitige - im Gegenzug bekamen diese vereinzelt Informationen !"
- "die Dokumente beschrieben - Fehler in der Software !"
- "von Microsoft - bevor die Schwachstellen - mit Updates geschlossen wurden !"
- "die Dokumente beschrieben - die Sicherheitssoftware-Firma !"
- "McAfee - die Informationen über den Datenverkehr - im Internet hatte !"
- "die Kontakte - waren nur wenigen Personen - bei den Firmen bekannt !"
- "und waren oftmals direkt - über die Chefetage - eingefädelt worden !"
Skype - der Standard: LINK ¤ der STANDARD
- "Dokumente der NSA - beschrieben Skype !"
- "eine Zusammenarbeit - schon vor dem Kauf der Internet-Kommunikations-Firma - durch Microsoft !"
- "die Dokumente beschrieben das - "Project Chess" !"
- "technische - und rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen - waren ausgelotet worden !"
- "nur wenige Manager - waren in die Existenz von "Project Chess" - eingeweiht worden !"
ex-Verfassungschutzchef - futurezone: LINK ¤ FUTUREZONE
- "Gert-René Polli - Ex-Chef des Bundesamts für Verfassungsschutz !"
- "einem österreichischen Geheimdienst - wurde über die NSA - befragt !"
- "deren Informationspolitik - war eine willkürliche !"
- "und unterlag deren damaligen - Interessenslagen !"
- "diese fütterten andere Organisationen - mit Geschichten !"
- "manchmal waren diese - wahr !"
- "was den Versuch bedeutete - eine Art von Beziehung aufzubauen ! - ( oder so zu tun - als ob es so wäre ! )"
- "aber oftmals waren diese - konstruiert !"
- "und zwar auf solch eine Weise - wie diese es gerade als nützlich betrachtet hatten !"
- "und oftmals waren diese sogar - frei erfunden !"
- "wo diese Bilder gefälscht hatten - die so zusammengestellt wurden !"
- "dass etwas dargestellt hätte werden sollen - was in Wirklichkeit niemals stattgefunden hatte !"
- "oder diese hatten Geschichten erfunden - dass jemand etwas gesagt - oder gemacht hätte !"
- "und eine andere Person - hatte fälschlicherweise diese Geschichte bestätigt !"
- "es war meistens nicht einfach zu überprüfen - ob die vorgebrachten Behauptungen tatsächlich stimmten ?!"
- "die erste Frage war also - wenn jemand so eine Botschaft übermittelt hatte !"
- "welche Hintergedanken - könnte der Absender - dabei gehabt haben ?!"
- "Polli erklärte die Enthüllungen - zum G20-Gipfel !"
- "und die Telefone und Computer von Politikern - und Beamten anderer Länder !"
- "waren leider nur - die Spitze des Eisbergs !"
- "denn die Frage lautete - wer hatte Zugang dazu ?!"
- "und was wurde mit diesen Informationen - gemacht ?!"
- "versuchte jemand damit - politisches Lobbying ?!"
- "versuchte jemand damit - wirtschaftliches Lobbying ?!"