Intelligence Leaks
Edward Snowden - answers Reader Questions - the Guardian: LINK ¤ the GUARDIAN
Question: - "why did you at first choose - Hong Kong ?!"
- "it is a safe place - for a whistleblower !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "and because at home - there would not be - a fair trial !"
- "they openly claimed treason - and that the disclosure of secret !"
- "itself would had been criminal - and even unconstitutional act !"
- "there must be - justice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "he does not volunteer himself to it - he can do more good - outside !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "in the revelations - there was no operation - of a military target !"
- "but civilian infrastructure - universities - hospitals - and private businesses !"
- "they must be more careful - this are critical systems !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "what would be - if they would make a - technical mistake ?!"
- "network operations - without asked for public permission !"
- "and many of the countries - were allies !"
- "and for - what ?!"
- "the public - needs to know - such kinds of things !"
- "if analysts had access to query - raw SIGINT databases ! - ( NSA - FBI - CIA - DIA ! )"
- "they could enter - and get results - for anything they wanted !"
- "phone number - email - user id - cell phone handset id - IMEI !"
- "the restrictions against this - were policy based - not technically based !"
- "and audits were cursory - incomplete - and easily fooled by fake justifications !"
- "USA communications were collected - and viewed on a daily basis !"
- "( FISA Amendments Act - and its section 702 authorities ! )"
- "on the certification of an analyst - rather than a warrant !"
- "they excused this as - "incidental" - collection !"
- "but at the end of the day - they had the content - of USA communications !"
- "even in the event of "warranted" intercept - it was important to understand !"
- "they did not always deal with - what you would consider a "real" warrant - like a Police department !"
- "the "warrant" was more of a - templated form - they filled out !"
- "and sent to a reliable judge - with a rubber stamp !"
- "they had both - a record of it - and the actual content !"
- "if the email address - of a person was targeted - for example under FAA 702 !"
- "and that email address sent something - the analyst got it !"
- "IPs - raw data - content - headers - and attachments !"
- "and it got - saved !"
- "they were legally compelled to it - and maintained their silence !"
- "in regard to specifics - of the program !"
- "but that does not comply them - from ethical obligation !"
- "if for example Apple - and Google - refused to provide cooperation with them !"
- "what do you think - they would do ?! - they cannot - shut them down !"
- "a person - an accountant - a federal judge - do you stand by that ?!"
- "yes - he stands by it !"
- "US persons did enjoy - limited policy protections !"
- "it was important to understand - that policy protection - was no protection !"
- "policy was a one-way ratchet - that only loosened !"
- "and one weak - technical protection !"
- "the filter was constantly - out of date !"
- "was set at - what is euphemistically referred to as !"
- "the "widest allowable - aperture" !"
- "and could be stripped out - at any time !"
- "encryption - works !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "properly implemented - strong crypto systems !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "are one of the things - that you can rely on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "but endpoint security - has sometimes to be bettered !"
G20 Summit - the Guardian: LINK ¤ the GUARDIAN
- "documents from the GCHQ - described the G20 summit !"
- "two meetings - of foreign politicians and officials - in London !"
- "their computers - and their phone calls !"
- "there have often been rumours of this kind - but it was highly unusual for hard evidence !"
- "the top secret documents described - the G20 meetings !"
- ""ground-breaking intelligence" - the communications of visiting delegations !"
- "Internet cafes - where they used an email - interception programme !"
- "key-logging software had looked at delegates' - use of computers !"
- "and at delegates' BlackBerrys - their email messages - and phone calls !"
- "45 analysts with a live round-the-clock summary - of who was phoning who - at the summit !"
- "documents from the NSA - described specialists !"
- "targeted encrypted phone calls - from London to Moscow !"
- "targeted the Russian president - and Russian delegates !"
- "a group of analysts - had sent an internal message !"
- "the call records activity - had been successful - and was well received !"
- "Edward Snowden - is a whistleblower !!!!!!!!!!!!"
Verschlüsselung hilft - der Standard: LINK ¤ der STANDARD
- "Edward Snowden - beantwortet Fragen - in einem Forum !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "beim Programm "Prism" - war ein Schutz von US-Bürgern - rein theoretischer Natur !"
- "denn in technischer Hinsicht - hatte es nur eine Hürde gegeben !"
- "und einen Filter - mit chronisch veralteten Daten !"
- "Edward Snowden verweist darauf - dass Verschlüsselung funktioniert !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "vor allem ordentlich implementierte - starke Verschlüsselungssysteme !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "gehören zu den Dingen - auf die man sich verlassen kann !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- "aber die Sicherheit an den Endpunkten - war manchmal verbesserungswürdig !"
G-20 Gipfel - der Standard: LINK ¤ der STANDARD
- "Dokumente vom GCHQ - beschrieben einen G-20-Gipfel - in London !"
- "Telefone und Computer - von Politikern - und Diplomaten !"
- "die Dokumente beschrieben - 45 Analysten !"
- "Mobiltelefone - von den Gipfelteilnehmern !"
- "ein eigens eingerichtetes Internetcafé - sollte die Delegationsteilnehmer hinlocken !"
- "wo sämtliche Computer - dann Verbindung aufgenommen hatten !"
- "Edward Snowden - ist ein Whistleblower !!!!!!!!!!!!"