FTA - US cable - 2003: LINK ¤ 03SANTODOMINGO4533



  • "the US embassy had lobbied - for a - free trade agreement !"





  • "FTA - between the US - and the Dominican Republic !"






  • "US congressional representative - Jerry Weller - had headed a !"





  • "visit - to Dominican - private sector - enterprises !"






  • "and Dominican - government representatives !"





  • "Weller - had met with the - American chamber of commerce - amcham !"






  • "and with a group of - Dominican bankers - both would like a FTA !"




  • "Weller had urged - the participants - to pressure - the Dominican government !"








Interests - US cable - 2003:



  • "for the US embassy - this FTA - was in its interest !"





  • "but the economic situation - in the Dominican Republic - was difficult !"






  • "which did not make it easy - lobbying for it - in the Dominican country !"





  • "the US ambassador - considered it essential - to support the !"






  • "administration - of president - Hipolito Mejia !"





  • "maybe the US embassy - could then put through more - in the Dominican Republic !"








FTA Negotiations - US cable - 2004: LINK ¤ 04SANTODOMINGO483



  • "US trade representative - Robert Zoellick - had told !"





  • "the Dominicans - that the US embassy understood !"






  • "that Dominican Republic - has had a - difficult year !"





  • "and Zoellick had delivered - its message - on hard decisions !"






  • "that the Dominican government - and congress - would have to make !"






  • "the US embassy had delivered - its message - and its interest !"




  • "and had lobbied - for a renewed agreement - with the IMF !"








CAFTA - US cable - 2005: LINK ¤ 05SANTODOMINGO2751



  • "the US embassy - had invited - Fernandez !"





  • "and other - regional presidents !"






  • "and had lobbied for - CAFTA - Central America free trade deal !"






  • "this could give Fernandez - the clout - confront !"





  • "difficult political - decisions - with the opposed interests !"






  • "of both - the monied elites - and the citizenry !"






  • "the US embassy had lobbied - for tax reform !"





  • "and would like - to see Fernandez - move !"









- US cable - 2005:



  • "the Dominican Republic - voted in the - lower house of congress !"





  • "about - CAFTA-DR !"





  • "the US embassy had lobbied - for this FTA - three years !"




  • "the Dominican legislators - were fearful - of the treaty's impact !"








- US cable - 2005:



  • "the US embassy had lobbied - for a - CAFTA-DR !"




  • "Central America Dominican Republic - trade agreement !"






  • "legally a treaty - under international law !"





  • "but not under - US law !"






  • "a task force - public - and private sector - trade experts !"




  • "would ensure - that the Dominican government - stayed on course !"





  • "contractors - hired by the - USAID - US aid agency !"





  • "with members of task force - the Dominican government officials !"






  • "would be prepared - elimination of consular fee !"




  • "charged for - all goods - imported to the country !"








US Secretary - US cable - 2006: LINK ¤ 06SANTODOMINGO1751



  • "the US embassy wrote - the Dominican Republic - was a developing country !"





  • "Dominican governments - in the past - had been generally more - pro it !"






  • "the US secretary - should use at the - upcoming visit !"





  • "to press - president Fernandez - and the Dominican government !"






  • "he could express satisfaction - at progress !"





  • "and ask - president Fernandez - to exert his influence !"






  • "for obtaining rapidly - the required changes !"



  • "in Dominican - law - regulation - and administrative - practice !"








FTA - US cable - 2008:



  • "the US embassy had lobbied - for a FTA !"





  • "with the Dominican Republic - no. 16-95 !"






  • "foreign investment law - unlimited foreign investment !"






  • "law 8-90 - Dominican's free trade zones - FTZs !"





  • "100 percent exemption - from all taxes !"





  • "duties - charges - and fees !"















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