
Edward Snowden - James Bamford: LINK ¤ WIRED



  • "the message arrived on the "clean machine" - a MacBook Air - loaded only with a sophisticated encryption package !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • ""change in plans" - the contact said - "be in the lobby of the hotel by 1 pm"  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "bring a book and wait for - ES - to find you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "the portrait of him that emerges - of a solemn - sincere idealist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "who - step by step over a period of years - grew disillusioned !"






  • "this drove him to leak hundreds of thousands - of top-secret documents !"








  • "he grew up in Maryland - his father was a Coast Guard officer !"





  • "many in his family had worked - for the federal government - in one way or another !"







  • "he liked books - especially Greek mythology !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "reading about myths - played an important role growing up - for him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "providing him with a framework for confronting challenges - including moral questions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "he liked computers - and worked for a tech company !"






  • "he landed a job as a security guard - at a top-secret facility !"






  • "that required him - to get a high-level security clearance !"







  • "he passed a polygraph exam - and the stringent background check !"






  • "and he was offered a position at the CIA - where he was assigned to the global communications division !"







  • "as the junior man - on the top computer team !"







  • "he was sent to the CIA’s secret school - for technology specialists !"






  • "he was there for some six months - studied and trained full-time !"







  • "after that he was sent to Geneva - Switzerland !"






  • "where the CIA was seeking information - about the banking industry !"







  • "he was assigned to the United Nations - he was given a diplomatic passport !"





  • "a four-bedroom apartment near the lake - and a nice cover assignment !"








  • "the goal of this CIA group was - recruited human sources !"






  • "operatives would get targets drunk - landed in jail - and then bailed them out !"







  • "putted the target - in their debt !"






  • "they did risky things - that had impacts on the person !"







  • "it took a couple of years - for this his level of disillusionment - to set in !"







  • "by that time he had shifted - from the CIA - to the NSA !"






  • "a job as a technical expert - in Japan - with Dell - a contractor !"







  • "( outsourced contractors had been - Booz Allen Hamilton - and Dell ! )"







  • "he was learning about the - NSA’s capabilities !"






  • "mapped the movement of a person - in the city - by monitoring the MAC address !"






  • "an identifier emitted by a cell phone - computer - and other electronic device !"








  • "then he returned for a year - as technical expert !"






  • "he was Dell’s lead technologist - worked with the CIA’s account !"







  • "he had sat with the CIO of the CIA - the CTO of the CIA - the chiefs of the technical branches !"






  • "they would tell him their hardest technology problems - and it was his job to come up with a way - to fix them !"







  • "then he moved again for Dell - this time to a massive bunker in Hawaii !"






  • "where he was the lead technologist - for the information-sharing office !"







  • "his concerns over the oversight of the NSA - grew with each passing day !"







  • "the NSA passed raw private communications - content as well as metadata - to Israeli intelligence !"






  • "usually information like this would be "minimized" - a process where names !"







  • "and personally identifiable data - were removed !"






  • "but in this case - there was virtually no protection - even the communications of US people !"







  • "he had no problem accessing - downloading - and extracting all the confidential information !"






  • "he liked - except for the very highest level of classified documents !"







  • "details about virtually all - of the NSA programs - were accessible to anyone !"





  • "employee - or contractor - private - or general - who had top-secret clearance !"








  • "but his access while in Hawaii - went well beyond even this !"






  • "as top technologist - he had access to almost everything !"







  • "he landed a job as an infrastructure analyst - with another contractor - Booz Allen !"






  • "the role gave him rare dual-hat authority - covered both domestic - and foreign capabilities !"







  • "( cyber-tools around the world - gigabytes of foreign secrets ! )"







  • "one day an intelligence officer told him that TAO - a division of NSA hackers !"






  • "had attempted to remotely install an exploit - in one of the core routers !"







  • "at a major Internet service provider - in Syria !"






  • "this would have given access to email - and other Internet traffic - from much of the country !"







  • "but something went wrong - and the router was bricked instead - rendered totally inoperable !"







  • "the failure of this router caused Syria - to suddenly lose all connection - to the Internet !"






  • "although the public did not know - the background !"







  • "the last straw for him - was a secret program he discovered !"






  • "the highly secret data storage facility - in Bluffdale - Utah ! - ( potentially a yottabyte )"







  • "a 1 million-square-foot building - that was known within - as the mission data repository !"






  • "the original name was massive data repository - but staffers thought it sounded too creepy !"






  • "phone calls - faxes - emails - computer-to-computer data transfers - and text messages !"








  • "he was even more disturbed to discover - a new project in the works !"






  • "the project - codenamed "MonsterMind"  !"







  • "would automate the process - of hunting for the beginnings - of a foreign cyberattack !"







  • "instead of simply detecting a malware - at the point of entry !"






  • ""MonsterMind" would automatically act - with no human involvement !"







  • "and that was a problem - because the initial attack !"






  • "was often routed through computers - in innocent third countries !"







  • "and privacy was a concern - of this project ! - ( the kind that system worked )"







  • "he sat at his desk in the "tunnel" - surrounded by computer screens !"






  • "and read a news story - that convinced him - that the time had come to act !"







  • "director of national intelligence James Clapper - told the Senate committee !"






  • "that the NSA did - "not wittingly" - collect information on millions of US-Americans !"







  • "they had a little bit of rule-breaking - a little bit of dishonesty !"






  • "a little bit of disservice to the public interest - on a slippery slope !"







  • "you cannot - justify it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "you must not get - used to it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"







  • "you must not see it - as normal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"






  • "( Clapper saw it as his job - as something completely ordinary - for him ! )"






  • "two months later - he boarded a flight to Hong Kong - with a pocket full of thumb drives !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"









Internet - Heise online: LINK ¤ HEISE ONLINE



  • "the NSA - and the GCHQ - had an Internet program !"






  • "the documents described a program - called "HACIENDA"  !"







  • "since the early days of TCP - port scanning had been used - to locate vulnerabilities in a system !"






  • "the "HACIENDA" program - described port scans !"







  • "a "standard tool" - against an entire nation !"






  • "twenty-seven countries - were listed as targets !"







  • "the program presentation came with - a promotional offer !"






  • "readers desired that - would simply need to send an e-mail !"







  • "the documents did not spell out details - for a review process - or the need to justify such an action !"







  • "services included public services - such as "HTTP" - and "FTP"  !"






  • "as well as common administrative protocols - such as "SSH" - Secure SHell protocol !"







  • "and "SNMP" - Simple Network Management Protocol - used for network administration !"








  • "this would be scans - of critical infrastructure !"






  • "and systems - used for network operations !"







  • "the top secret documents described - infection !"






  • "reconnaissance - command and control - and exfiltration !"







  • "the covert infrastructure included so-called - operational relay boxes - ORBs !"






  • "hided the location - when actions against a target !"







  • "going over the port scan results - by "HACIENDA" - was considered too laborous !"






  • "so an "OLYMPIA" system was programmed - that should automate the process !"







  • "the goal was - vulnerable devices in a subnet - should be located in five minutes !"







  • "and a "MUGSHOT" program - should integrate results !"




  • "from active scans - as well as passive monitoring !"
















- Wikipedia EN:


Internet - Heise online:



  • "die NSA - und der GCHQ - hatten ein Internet Programm !"




  • "die streng geheimen Dokumente beschrieben das - "HACIENDA"-Programm !"





  • "Portscans eines Landes - sollten Verwundbarkeiten im System zeigen !"




  • "die Dokumente beschrieben - Ausspähen - Angriff !"




  • "Kompromittierung - und Übernahme von Systemen !"





  • "eine verschlossene Tür - war eine Aufforderung zum Versuch !"





  • "Portscans - war ein altes und rechtlich nicht unumstrittenes - Hacker Tool !"




  • "das "HACIENDA"-Programm suchte - nach verwundbaren Systemen !"





  • "die Dokumente beschrieben - 27 gescannte Länder !"





  • ""operational relay boxes" - kompromittierte Geräte von Nutzern !"




  • "sollten den eigenen Datenverkehr - verschleiern !"





  • "( verdeckte Operationen - und ein "zusätzlicher Level der Nicht-Zuweisbarkeit"  ! )"





  • "und das Programm "MugShot" - sollte automatisch vorgehen !"




  • "für das Bundesministerium des Innern räumte ein Sprecher ein - "dass elektronische Angriffe !""





  • "gegen Verwaltungseinrichtungen - Forschungsinstituten - und Wirtschaftsunternehmen - festgestellt wurden !"



  • "Art - Herkunft - und Ausrichtung sprachen dafür - dass fremde Nachrichtendienste dahinter standen !"









Internet - der Standard:



  • "die NSA arbeitete an einem Projekt - mit dem Namen "MonsterMind"  !"




  • "das automatisch - Angriffe über das Internet - abwehren sollte !"





  • "ausländische Cyberangriffe - sollten sofort - und automatisch - neutralisiert werden !"





  • "das Problem dabei - es könnte ohne menschlichen Befehl - zurückschlagen !"




  • "und ein solcher Gegenschlag - könnte Unschuldige treffen !"





  • "( in den meisten Fällen - würde der Ursprung verschleiert werden ! )"









NSA trennte Syrien versehentlich vom Internet - Spiegel online:



  • "Syrien verschwand plötzlich - tagelang aus dem Internet !"




  • "Verbindungen aus und in das Land - waren nicht mehr möglich - beim Blackout !"





  • "nun hat Snowden enthüllt - Schuld am Netzausfall waren Mitarbeiter der NSA !"




  • "die Hacker-Abteilung - tailored access operations - TAO - hatte versucht !"





  • "einen wichtigen Router - eines syrischen Providers - zu übernehmen !"




  • "eine Sicherheitslücke war ausgenutzt worden - um eine Software auf dem Router zu installieren !"





  • "doch der Angriff war schief gegangen - und der Router fiel komplett aus !"




  • "statt Zugriff auf Datenverkehr des Landes - gab es einen Netzausfall !"









Regierung verlangt Aufdeckung aller Agenten in Deutschland - Spiegel online:



  • "die Bundesregierung erhöht den Druck - auf ausländische Nachrichtendienste !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"




  • "ihre Aktivitäten in Deutschland - offenzulegen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "konkret fordert eine versandte Verbalnote - dass alle Staaten - einschließlich der internationalen Partner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"




  • "Listen mit den Namen - aller aktiven Agenten - vorlegen sollen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "ausdrücklich sind Konsulate - Kulturinstitute - und auch Geheimdienstler - miteingeschlossen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"




  • "die Bundesregierung erwartet nun - dass die Note von allen angeschriebenen Vertretungen - beantwortet wird !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "( auch das offizielle Personal - der CIA - und der NSA ! )"




  • "( und das offizielle Personal - der russischen Geheimdienste ! )"











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