Intelligence Budget
Budget - Washington Post: LINK ¤ WASHINGTON POST
- "documents from the NSA - described a planned - black budget !"
- "the black budget - of a 178-page budget summary !"
- "the documents described - planned - US$ 52.6 billion !"
- "special programs - US$ 23 billion !"
- "the NSA - US$ 10.5 billion !"
- "the documents described - the NSA planned - US$ 48.6 million !"
- "research projects - because it did not cope with - information - and data collection !"
- "35,000 p. - had been planned under a category called the - consolidated cryptologic program !"
- "US$ 4.9 billion - had been planned - "overseas contingency operations" !"
- "the documents described - planned covert missions !"
- ""tailored radio frequency" - solutions !"
- "the documents described - planned - US$ 1.7 billion !"
- "technical collection efforts - a program called - "Clansig" !"
- "a covert program - radio and telephone - communications !"
- "the documents described - planned focus on - classified networks !"
- "a strict review - of high-risk applicants - and contractors !"
- "investigations of insider - compromise - of sensitive information !"
Cyber - Washington Post: LINK ¤ WASHINGTON POST
- "documents from the NSA - described a program !"
- "that had been code-named - "Genie" !"
- "foreign networks - "covert implants" !"
- "( planned - US$ 652 million ! )"
- "the documents described - 85,000 implants !"
- "in certain - computer machines !"
- "the documents described - offensive cyber-operations !"
- "a computer - virtual - or physical access !"
- "its modification - system logs - or processes !"
- "the documents described - planned implants - US$ 25.1 million !"
- "additional covert purchases - of software - from private vendors !"
- "the documents described - TAO - tailored access operations !"
- "software templates - for routers - switches - and firewalls !"
- "which should had been possible - also by software - and equipment upgrades !"
- "the documents described - a system code-named - "Turbine" !"
- "a planned wish - automated - implants !"
Budget - der Standard: LINK ¤ der STANDARD
- "Dokumente der NSA - beschrieben ein - Black Budget !"
- "geplant waren - 52,6 Milliarden Dollar !"
- "die NSA - 10,8 Milliarden Dollar !"
Computer - Spiegel online: LINK ¤ SPIEGEL ONLINE
- "Dokumente der NSA - beschrieben ein Programm !"
- "mit dem Codenamen - "Genie" !"
- "ein Implantat - in einem bestimmten Computer !"
- "die Dokumente beschrieben - Programm installieren !"
- "Daten kopieren - Kommunikation - oder angeschlossenes Netzwerk !"
- "die Dokumente beschrieben - das "Genie"-Programm !"
- "85.000 - Rechner !"
- "die Dokumente beschrieben - ein System mit dem Codenamen - "Turbine" !"
- "geplanter Wunsch - automatische - Implantate !"