Internet Freedom

Prism - Associated Press: LINK ¤ ASSOCIATED PRESS



  • "the "Prism" program - records from Internet companies !"






  • "had a manual process as forerunner - in the early years after 2001 !"







  • "they began showing up at - Microsoft Corp - more frequently than before !"






  • "with court orders - demanded information - on customers !"






  • "they wanted email archives - account information - and quickly !"







  • "Microsoft engineers - had compiled the data - sometimes by hand !"






  • "and had delivered it to them - the engineers had called it - "hoovering"  !"







  • "after the controversial - J. Edgar Hoover - who tried to use information !"






  • "on US persons - in a special - and immorally way !"








  • "they wanted a - streamlined - electronic process !"






  • "which required less time - and provided the data - in a more standard format !"






  • "what they called "Prism" - the companies knew as a - streamlined system !"






  • "that automated - and simplified - that "hoovering"  !"







  • "they wanted the data - in a structured format - and the companies wanted to reduce - their workload !"







  • "one expert in national security law - who was directly familiar !"





  • "with how Internet companies - dealt with them - during that period !"







  • "recalled conversations - in which technology officials - worried aloud !"






  • "that they must not trample - on the constitutional rights - of US persons !"











US Phone Calls - CNET:



  • "in a secret Capitol Hill briefing - they disclosed !"






  • "that analysts - could listen - to phone calls - in the USA !"







  • "the same legal standards - that applied to phone calls - also applied !"






  • "to e-mail messages - text messages - and instant messages !"







  • "the contents of - US Internet communications !"






  • "without going before a court - and seeking approval !"







  • "Mark Klein - who had worked as an AT&T technician for 22 years - disclosed !"






  • "that he had witnessed - voice - and Internet traffic - of the USA !"







  • "had been "diverted" - through a "splitter cabinet"  !"






  • "secure room 641A - in one of the company's - San Francisco facilities !"






  • "the room had been accessible - only to technicians - from them !"







  • "director of national intelligence - Michael McConnell - had indicated !"






  • "during a - House Intelligence hearing !"






  • "that the process had involved - US bulk communication - intercepted !"





  • "analyzed - and incorporated - into a database !"










TAO Unit - Foreign Policy:



  • "a highly secretive unit - called the office of - tailored access operations !"






  • "or TAO - was a mystery - to many employees !"







  • "it required a special security clearance - gained access to the unit's - work spaces !"







  • "collected - intelligence information !"






  • "computers - and telecommunications systems !"







  • "copied messages and data traffic - passed within the email - and text-messaging systems !"











some People of the MI5 - the Guardian: LINK ¤ the GUARDIAN



  • "some people - of the British MI5 - warned of the GCHQ !"






  • "and criticized the - Internet program - "Tempora"  !"







  • "they felt - they must not overstep - the mark with it !"






  • "the GCHQ - must not go too far ! - ( from the civil liberties - perspective ! )"







  • "these people - from MI5 have reservations - they thought !"





  • "this could be used - against them !"



















  • "Internet freedom encompasses - digital rights - freedom of information !!!!!!!!!!!!"



  • "freedom from Internet censorship - and net neutrality !!!!!!!!!!!!"




- der Standard: LINK ¤ der STANDARD



  • "Dokumente vom GCHQ - beschrieben ein Programm - "Operation Tempora"  !"




  • "unterschiedslose Daten - aller Art !"





  • "die Dokumente beschrieben - 600 Millionen - Kommunikationsakte an einem Tag !"




  • "es gab 71.000 Schlüsselbegriffe - für die Datenmenge !"




  • "neben nationaler Sicherheit - war ein nebulöses ökonomisches Interesse !"








in Europa wurden Anzeigen eingereicht
- der Standard: LINK ¤ der STANDARD



  • "in Europa wurden Anzeigen eingereicht - die europäischen Tochterfirmen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"




  • "von Facebook - Apple - Microsoft - Skype - und Yahoo !"





  • "dürfen nicht illegal Daten - europäischer User - an die USA weiterleiten !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "gegen Facebook und Apple - wurden in Irland - gegen Skype und Microsoft - in Luxemburg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"




  • "und gegen Yahoo - in Deutschland - Anzeigen eingebracht !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "aus Steuergründen - fallen die genannten Unternehmen - unter den europäischen Datenschutz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "nach EU-Recht - ist ein Export der Daten - in EU-Ausland - nur dann erlaubt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



  • "wenn vom jeweiligen Unternehmen im Zielland - also zum Beispiel den USA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"





  • "ein "angemessenes Schutzniveau" - für das Grundrecht auf Datenschutz - garantiert werden kann !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



  • "außerdem unterliegen die Unternehmen - in der EU - nicht der Verschwiegenheitspflicht !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"









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